
-n.  the moment when Sunday stops feeling like a Sunday and the anxiety of Monday kicks in.

We all know that feeling.  I didn’t do my homework yet.  The kids didn’t do their homework yet.  I didn’t finish my presentation.  What am I going to wear?  I hope I get the flu.  I already have a stomach ache……    we all know what I’m talking about here.  Along the way you might have liked school or your job but the mood just takes a turn.  My dearest little T told me he doesn’t go to school on the S days and him and I need to schedule a day together.  After I got done marveling that my favorite boy is already more mature then I am,  it got me thinking that he is already looking forward to weekends.  And probably has had a few Smondays.  I’m also aware that sometimes the S days come with their own stresses.  Being unstructured can be oh-lot-of-work.  Now I have to MAKE PLANS.  Saying I want to relax and do nothing sounds good until you have nothing to do and that most certainly is not relaxing for the Boomlennial.  We outgrew all that hippiedom darn.   Retirement used to be the goal for many but that model doesn’t work that well for a lot of  us.  You love the S days because they are special.  When faced with only S days you find out you’re just not that interesting/interested and your dog really doesn’t need to be walked that much.  So acknowledge that Smonday can be a good thing because you are still diggin the F day.  TGI!!!