Peace Out 2020

It is that time of year to reflect on the past, however, I don’t want to. What I’ve lost in fun, family, fitness, and freedom, I’ve gained in wisdom. That’s what happens when you have too much time on your hands and now think you are a Swami. In that spirit, I will enlighten you on what I’ve learned. These are the Four Most Difficult Things to Say. (1). I’m sorry. And mean it. I’ve said it a lot but don’t really think it came from my soul. It’s probably been more of an I’m sorry you are an ahole but let’s get on with it. Or I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m probably not, but drawing a blank on what else to say. Will work on that one. (2). I forgive you. Sometimes this is true because we all (not me) make mistakes and need a do-over. Although, when I hear people saying they forgive someone that did a horrific deed, I know they are lying. I am a Swami after all. Really forgiving someone probably takes time. (3). I need help. That’s a tough one because it’s often hard to recognize when you do. And who wants to admit it? Especially in the Boomlennial world, we’ve been caretakers to generations, and not ready to pass the torch. And, of course, the most difficult thing to say is…… (4). Worcestershire sauce. I will never get a handle on that one, deep thinker that I am. So there you have it. Reflections of 2020. Don’t let it hit you in the a$$ on the way out.