Just When I Thought…

….I could not be blown away WHEWWWWWW! Hear that wind? That golden orb in the sky really did outdo herself. Must be a female because she brought it! There are many things I do/see/feel/taste/hear that just do not live up to the hype #Beyoncesnewcountryalbum. I tried to like it. I Wanted to like it because music just doesn’t engulf me like it used too. I can still remember sitting in my little box of a bedroom and listening to my two 45’s for hours. And loving every minute of it. Every new record got played way more than it probably should have. Guess that is probably a story for a therapist. But music gave me so much pleasure. Now I hear new songs and I feel like Larry David ach. But that eclipse…. Over whelmed me. I still miss ‘totality’ day after, and that’s a word I never heard before but will use inappropriately for years to come. Kind of like the Kentucky Derby where they say it’s the most exciting two minutes in sports, at ‘totality’ it was the best three minutes and seventeen seconds that Mother Nature had to offer. The sky looked amazing, the surroundings looked amazing, and new colors exploded all around me. It takes a lot for this Boomlennial to be wowed, and wowed I was. And still am. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps, just like I got when the sky darkened and the temperature dropped during the event. Brrrrr. Just thrilling. Now you may be thinking I need a life, and maybe I could step it up a bit, but can’t quite think of anything to give me that buzz. Pharmaceuticals, perhaps, but give me a few more years to go that route. Most people do drugs when they’re young, but I think it should be a boomlennial pursuit. I’m going to start smoking cigs when I’m eighty and move on from there. Something to live for and all that. If I could have an eclipse everyday I’d be a satisfied woman. Is it really too much to ask?? Guess I should be grateful that there are new experiences out there, and just when I’m sure I’ve seen it all, I haven’t. Hope they all don’t involve celestial phenomenon because then you’re getting into some deep sh* t. One of my wee dearests who was watching with me asked what the Rapture was. Don’t know where he heard that term since we are not a biblical family. So, of course, Google had the answer which kind of freaked us all out. Mainly because people think it’s going to happen. I’ll settle for a small weather event, like a hurricane, or tornado. Juuuust kidding. Kind of. Think I mean a nice passive event. Or do I????? #hitmewithyourbestshot