I Didn’t Know…..

I feel like lately I’ve been committing all kinds of social faux pas. Being a person who enjoys real manners, and grammar (#loser), I just need to check myself. I’m a blurter (yes that’s a word, kind of, it’s not). So for me to say something that Others think is inappropriate is kind of the norm. I usually don’t agree that what I said was that egregious, but if I’ve offended someone, damn. Not what I wanted to do. I was telling a Boomlennial friend about my new vacation house. She almost gasped, stared me straight in the eyes, and told me that area was her happy place. Hmmmm. What does that even mean?? And did I offend her or steal something? Who knew? I almost wanted to apologize because it seemed like one of those notorious gaffes of mine. Then I even felt guilty because it’s not really my happy place, yet I appropriated it from her. Maybe I’m overthinking this (maybe?) but the conversation stuck in my mind. Of course, now I want a happy place and just not feeling it. I enjoy a lot of places, but do they truly make me happy??? My closet makes me quite happy. It’s big and has wayyy too many clothes in it, in wayyy to many sizes. Just walking in it sometimes does make me smile, though. Unless I’m heading to the jumbo section and then it just makes me sad. Recently, watching TV has made me unnaturally happy. I always kind of, sorta, maybe liked TV but would rather read in my free time. But now. Sigh. Can’t wait to meet back up with my TV friends. The shows are just too good, and no commercials. I had a power outage and thought my best friend took a major hit, and was shaky all day till it was fixed. Whew. Although, I did get very mad at it. A young interviewer was asking someone to explain ‘so Grandma would understand it’ about a major engineering feat while constructing this massive building. No, Grandma did not understand it, but neither did you, you little dweeb. Bet math wasn’t your major, journalism student. Comment took me right out of my happy place. Would have loved to read the negative emails. None from me. Of course not. That would be petty. I need to redirect my emotions into something more constructive and happier. Will go sit in the closet. And stare at my skinny jeans. And ponder why people wear mountain climbing clothes to the office. In the summer. I just don’t know….

Finishing Strong

The ultimate marathon is in full swing, and I’m committed to the challenge. Not going to let a kinky hip or a few too many bonbons slow me down. (BTW what even IS a bonbon?? And yet it just rolled off my tongue.). I met a couple Boomlennial friends for dinner one evening, and it left me scratching my head. Not really, but the cliches are front and center today. Friend A, now known as the completely gray one, always had the most beautiful hair. It grew like mad, so always had a new style every time I saw her. Short, long, shagged, bobbed, and everything in between. Dark, shiny brown. Friend A still has a cute style, but oh my the gray. She bowed out at mile twenty. I guess when your hair does grow that fast it’s hard to keep up with the color, but I would make it a full time job. No retirement yet. She likes it, so as much as I want to say it’s none of my business, it is. I’m fighting for all Boomlennials here. Finish Strong. Friend B…. (Pretty sure she doesn’t read my blogue, I hope, I hope). This illness, that illness. Downsized everything. I know that can be a positive, but it just seems too mile fifteen. When she said she can’t drive at night anymore, all I could think was WTF. Yes you can. Just too easy to play the old people game sometimes. Us cruising Boomlennials want to Finish Strong, despite small challenges creeping in the way. There are many health issues that are forced on us, but having a positive mindset gets you to the next mile. Plug plug along. Maybe because I like being the leader of the pack, I do what I can to not run in your stink. Getting to that next mile marker. Old people just make me cranky and that’s not very Boomlennial of me. When in doubt, I just need to remember who I am and straighten my crown. On my shiny, blond hair.