I’m Not Superstitious

But I am a littlestitious. Or more accurately, why tempt the fates? You know The Fates are always lurking just wanting to mess with you. I’ve broken enough mirrors in my time to know there’s a little something something there. Now I have a cracked makeup mirror that will never be replaced. Why set myself up for disaster? Besides, it’s a magnifier and who knows where one crack begins, and another one ends? A little mystery is in order. Clothes are another thing I don’t mess with. I’ve gotten rid of some really nice things because they are cursed. Ok, that’s wacky. It’s more like I wore them in a bad situation and just maybe the clothes were to blame. They weren’t (or were they?????), but I’m just not jonesing to wear them again. Gone. They have cooties and when you have other options, there’s a lot of wiggle room. I would never refer to anyone as being lucky, and prickle when anyone says that to me. That’s a Fate favorite I’m sure. I’m working on a big project where I have to name streets. If you’re familiar with developments, there’s usually a theme. Equestrian. Giddy up. Presidents. Surely you jest. And do we really need another Maple or Chester street? I wanted something personal and origional, not to mention having people scratch their heads. Soooo, dead dogs it is. All you Boomlennials know that they do add up. Bad shelf life and all. Zephyr Winds. Summer Breeze. Stone Garden. Monti Brook. But then I ran out. And toyed with the idea of dogs ‘on the cusp’. I figured when the project is finished, the dogs will be also. Heard the Fates giggling and rubbing their hands together, so couldn’t follow through. Had to branch out into familial dead dogs. As creepy as this is sounding in print, it’s going to be a beautiful tribute to my animals. Much better than the boxes of ashes I have sitting around. I did sprinkle one dog on some newly planted trees thinking it would be an awesome fertilizer and rebirth, but the trees died along with a great idea. Back in the closet they go. Enough about this. Maybe just talking about it all got the Fates re-engaged. More important things to ponder. Like Hedgehogs. Why don’t they just share the Hedge?