Finishing Strong

The ultimate marathon is in full swing, and I’m committed to the challenge. Not going to let a kinky hip or a few too many bonbons slow me down. (BTW what even IS a bonbon?? And yet it just rolled off my tongue.). I met a couple Boomlennial friends for dinner one evening, and it left me scratching my head. Not really, but the cliches are front and center today. Friend A, now known as the completely gray one, always had the most beautiful hair. It grew like mad, so always had a new style every time I saw her. Short, long, shagged, bobbed, and everything in between. Dark, shiny brown. Friend A still has a cute style, but oh my the gray. She bowed out at mile twenty. I guess when your hair does grow that fast it’s hard to keep up with the color, but I would make it a full time job. No retirement yet. She likes it, so as much as I want to say it’s none of my business, it is. I’m fighting for all Boomlennials here. Finish Strong. Friend B…. (Pretty sure she doesn’t read my blogue, I hope, I hope). This illness, that illness. Downsized everything. I know that can be a positive, but it just seems too mile fifteen. When she said she can’t drive at night anymore, all I could think was WTF. Yes you can. Just too easy to play the old people game sometimes. Us cruising Boomlennials want to Finish Strong, despite small challenges creeping in the way. There are many health issues that are forced on us, but having a positive mindset gets you to the next mile. Plug plug along. Maybe because I like being the leader of the pack, I do what I can to not run in your stink. Getting to that next mile marker. Old people just make me cranky and that’s not very Boomlennial of me. When in doubt, I just need to remember who I am and straighten my crown. On my shiny, blond hair.