
“I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn’t.” If your mind immediately went to the very delicious, very $$$ wine, we should be friends. If, however, you went to the very infamous, very dead French philosopher, we can still hangout. And discuss how deep we are. And admit we spend way too much time on Google. I love quotes! I am always sure that they are referencing me somehow, or made for my pondering. Albert Camus has lots of them, and many are actually pretty common, although I never heard of him unless I was having steak and a blowout dinner. Perhaps not one and the same. Quotes. I have notebooks and scraps of paper laying in every drawer just waiting for the right moment and/or occasion for me to enlighten everyone with my Boomlennial wisdom. Right now my millions of followers are all I’ve got. Right now. This year has been an odd one for sure, but it’s starting to suit me. Fluxable. I get to read. I get to write. I get to make up words. (Fluxable, adv. -to be in a constant state of transition). Feel free to use that one. And, please stop saying unprecedented. Every TelePrompTer has it keyed in for every story. It’s a tired word. And once you say it a gazillion times, then the situation becomes precedented. I like how I think! Always my favorite fan and critic. So this year. I’ve mellowed somehow. And I’m ok with that. Took some of the edge off. Sloughed off things that needed sloughing, and incorporated some positives into the mix. Since things won’t ever be the same again, I’m glad I’m more fluxable. By shrinking my world, it actually takes up more space. No clue what that means, but I dig how it sounds. Camus would be proud, slurp.