Less Kudos, More TV

Enough with the kudos already. It is one of those overdone words that has become part of the post-pandemic culture. First everything was unprecidented. Then redacted. Then part of the woke mob. Then something something. Now because I have too many virtual meetings everyone is getting kudos. And because I am immature and it sounds like cooties, stop already. It just sounds fake. If you are in the office or with someone, you might say ’nice job’ or ’atta boy’. Pat on the back. Pat on the back. Virtually, if you want to recognize someone, you give them kudos. Lots-oh-kudos. It just annoys me. (Did I say I was immature?) And because I watch too much news, repeating news, not breaking news, I just keep hearing the same words and phrases repeated. But…..I have to come out with my darkish secret. I love TV! Really look forward to it love. I’ve always had the TV on, but was usually multi-tasking. Reading a newspaper or magazine, writing a fascinating blog, scrolling through worthless social media, painting or biting my nails. Never fully engaged. But now that I’ve managed to spend even more money on streaming services, I just can’t get enough. I plan my day around when I can watch TV. I make sure I’m well rested. I tee up my coffee to make sure I’m sufficiently wired. There are just so many shows that are in my wheelhouse. (Just where is my wheelhouse though? And what even IS a wheelhouse????) Books that I’ve read and loved are now series. I see naked men. And not just from the back. I am totally engaged and wouldn’t even think about picking at a nail. Just a whole new world of good entertainment. Kudos to the writers of those shows. Kudos to the actors who make me forget they are acting. Kudos to the naked bodies that are more than boobs. Kudos to me. Just because.

All’s Well That….

Ends. Sometimes that is all the closure there is. The happy ending might never be there, and unless you are a quarterback with enough cash to pick up women in bars, just accept your transition. Yes, and……. And that’s where the story goes. I was watching a talk show broad whose job it is to talk. And talk. I always wonder what you do when you are just not in the mood, but you have way too much airtime to fill. Yes, and…. I didn’t quite understand her explanation because she was boring the crap out of me, but yes, and….is her go to phrase. On both sides of the conversation. Yes, and….I see where she was going with it. Yes. Show stopper. Yes, and…… I was thinking of that for the last few weeks during my insomnia moments (longgggg moments) because I have replayed my nocturnal tapes enough that they are used up and not doing the trick anymore. We all have them. Where we let our mind wander to get back to sleep. However, I have finally used mine up. Borrrrring. Old magazines. Yes, and….. I need the next installment. Which is why I’m cranky and sleep deprived. Old tapes. I have given up all hope of a better past. Guess I need to get some more material in my file lest I become one of those crotchety Boomlennials I’ve heard are out there. Yes, and….I don’t want to be one. Yes, and….I will update my three in the morning playlist with cool things to think about. Yes, and….don’t complain, don’t explain (like the Queen). The Other Queen. I was hearing music from my printer yesterday. Must have been the paper jammin. Yes, and….

Never Have I Ever

I am one of those people I make fun of. Not that I would actually make fun of people. That would be wrong. Very wrong. A few Thanksgivings ago, my peeps started working on a Disney Princess puzzle that had been laying on a table for awhile. Gave us something to do so we wouldn’t have to talk to each other (just kidddding) (sorta of), and it was Princesses. Who doesn’t love a beautiful Disney Princess in their colorful Disney apparel? I just want to lick all things Disney right now. I digress. Imagine that. Anywayyyyy, it was fun!! Big and little got to participate, and a new hobby/obsession started for me and Manfriend. We Love Puzzles! We have become ’those people’. Once when shopping for a new puzzle, this man started talking about his wife only liking two-thousand piece ones, and we started slowly scooting away from him and looking for security. Weirdo. Another time (see where I’m going with this??), while checking out with a puzzle (500 piece only), the cashier started telling us about her card table set up in front of the TV, and that she would only do thousand piece puzzles. How do we keep running into allll these odd people? Never have I ever thought I’d be discussing puzzles, but I am. Manfriend and I do them together, and talk A Lot about them. Size does matter. And thickness. And color. And now I need a cigarette. At least we try to do it in private, and not tell everyone what we like. We experiment, but always head back to the basics. Do what the missionaries did. You know, beautiful sunsets, beach scenes, snowy carriage rides. Nothing exciting. Like those Disney Princesses. Rated R.