Where Have All The Activists Gone…

Long time passing. Where have all the activists* gone, long time ago. I have that song going through my head lately, although you do know to insert *flowers, right? My millions of followers span generations so always need to remember not everyone is a brilliant Boomlennial. Of course, that led me to Google to read all the lyrics and see what it really was about in the 60’s. It was on a list of the top 20 political songs. Hmmmm. Not buying that one, and there aren’t very many words to it, so I’m guessing there are only twenty political songs out there. I loved the music of the sixties, and glad that I was young enough to not quite understand them. I just loved the men and women singing with long, swinging hair, and beautiful flowered clothes. I ‘got’ the peace aspect of them, but now looking back at that time Wow. There was a lot going on. After watching many of the demonstrations of late, I see that maybe we didn’t really come that far. So where have all the activists gone? To the burbs? To the country club? Did they just get bored and got into something else? Legalizing weed? Inquiring minds always want to know. I wish the internet was around then. And various news stations spinning their own narrative. Guess I’ll just keep spinning those old songs, and not investigate what they really were about. No need to rewrite my own history. Much like the statues that are being torn down, what was, was. Good, bad, or ugly, it was a moment in time. A horrible moment, perhaps, but sadly what was, was. And maybe we need a grim reminder in our face that we haven’t really come a long way, baby. Now I need to go climb a mountain. I’m always very curious about the people in these certain areas who live, healthily, into their hundreds. They do share some common traits (I’m sure good genes is one of them!), and they drink wine, so what’s not to love? A man in one of these villages said, “If I go one day without climbing the mountain, I feel uneasy. If I go two days, my heart is troubled. If I go three days, my muscles and bones ache.” Of course he was talking about his mediation, or whatever gets him through the night, but something to think about. Lacing up my hiking boots. All the world over, so easy to see, people everywhere just wanna be free. Listen, please listen, that’s the way it should be. There’s peace in the valley, people got to be free.

Dear Hate:

I have held back on writing this, because enough is enough already. One of my millions of followers said my posts are getting so serious and rather depressing. Moi?? Say not! I am the fun Boomlennial! The one everyone wants at their party. Sure sure. Anyway, Dear Hate……It is dieting season again. There I said it. A topic I have covered in many of my posts, and most of my life. But, alas, there is always more material. And oh-so-funny sniff. I did okay during quarantine. I thought going out for dinner every night made it impossible to lose weight. Well, that myth was busted. Staying home and eating the chicken coop night after night didn’t help either. It could be the martinis and wine but that would require another quarantine to have a control group. And somehow spaghetti just seemed the same right thing to do. I don’t know why, but it was comforting. And delicious. And of course had to be accompanied by red wine. Now, however, I am back going out to my old haunts and find THAT quite comforting. Many have put up these plexiglass walls between bar seats and booths, so you’re in your own little cocoon. After weeks of wearing masks to your seat in a restaurants, that practice has just about stopped. The staff still does but they are getting droopier and droopier as to be worthless. We are all getting cocky in OH-IO as we have flattened our curve. I’m worried that the masses of asses that are going to the beach or taking vacations will bring those critters home. Please just be ticks. And how did I get on this subject when I wanted to talk about eating too much fruit? As one of my dearests said, “you didn’t get fat from eating too much fruit”. Can always count on those you love to set you straight. Dammit. So there you kind of have a new topic. Kind of. Dear Diet: I hate you.

Random Acts of Stupidness

Now that I have had The Test and found out I am Rona- free, moving on to the next season. Riot season? What to wear? Not to be flippant (what a great word), but I am sad. And mad. And disgusted that people are so stupid. As Bert and Ernie would say on Sesame Street, this year is brought to you by the letters W, T, and F. I was glued to media for two months watching people sick and dying. All the while being told that I am vulnerable and make your reservation now for that ventilator. Then as the country was easing going out restrictions, the sun thought it could finally make an appearance and there was a sense of hope that I might live to see another year. But, alas, some sick a$$ cop thought killing a man for everyone to witness was the way to move forward. We have all seen the video and it never gets any easier to watch. Just makes me cry. And want to go back indoors and shed ronas all over the house. Who cares? We live in a world of stupid people. That’s all my Boomlennial deep thinking can come up with. Deep. Deep. Thinking. I can’t even talk about the rioting and seeing businesses that just reopened after two months getting destroyed. There are a ton of reasons out there but my heart just can’t cope. Our country has collectively had enough. Somehow, Rona has become a political issue and people are taking ‘sides’ on getting a vaccine when one is ready. Please be ready soon. I’ll be first in line before I learn what side I’m supposed to be on. If ignorance is bliss, this country must all be in weed heaven right now. Ahhhh. So blissful. I went to a restaurant last week and they had a sign at the entrance saying “This is a Mask-free Zone. Come in and enjoy food and drink but no masks are allowed inside”. And like the dumb people I speak of, I took off my mask and went in and ate. Did I mention they have really good food?? Not going back, but still shaking my head. That’s where the world is at right now. And it’s not a good place. As the Count would say…..Letter B, Letter B, Letter B, Letter B. Whisper words of wisdom, letter B.