Dear Hate:

I have held back on writing this, because enough is enough already. One of my millions of followers said my posts are getting so serious and rather depressing. Moi?? Say not! I am the fun Boomlennial! The one everyone wants at their party. Sure sure. Anyway, Dear Hate……It is dieting season again. There I said it. A topic I have covered in many of my posts, and most of my life. But, alas, there is always more material. And oh-so-funny sniff. I did okay during quarantine. I thought going out for dinner every night made it impossible to lose weight. Well, that myth was busted. Staying home and eating the chicken coop night after night didn’t help either. It could be the martinis and wine but that would require another quarantine to have a control group. And somehow spaghetti just seemed the same right thing to do. I don’t know why, but it was comforting. And delicious. And of course had to be accompanied by red wine. Now, however, I am back going out to my old haunts and find THAT quite comforting. Many have put up these plexiglass walls between bar seats and booths, so you’re in your own little cocoon. After weeks of wearing masks to your seat in a restaurants, that practice has just about stopped. The staff still does but they are getting droopier and droopier as to be worthless. We are all getting cocky in OH-IO as we have flattened our curve. I’m worried that the masses of asses that are going to the beach or taking vacations will bring those critters home. Please just be ticks. And how did I get on this subject when I wanted to talk about eating too much fruit? As one of my dearests said, “you didn’t get fat from eating too much fruit”. Can always count on those you love to set you straight. Dammit. So there you kind of have a new topic. Kind of. Dear Diet: I hate you.