Dive. Dive.

Now that I have a captive audience of five I’m starting to make people nervous.  No names please.  (You know who you are so just relax…..)  I liked to joke when weird circumstances or surprisingly not nice people would just leave me shaking my head that if nothing else it would be a chapter in my book.  And everyone laughed and patted me on the back and said yes dear you’re right.  Because they knew I would never write a book or remember the exchange or move on to a new nail color and that would be that.  But now.  Now I have an ongoing crawl going on in my peripheral vision and when I start shaking my head I’m also hiding a little smile and thinking how useful this might be.  The Boomlennial is not about to be discounted so easily it seems.  The people a little unsteady right now don’t leave me shaking my head so they are on terra firma.  For now.  So family, friends, manfriend, collegues, dog.  Be nice.  The End

When was the last time…..

…you did something for the first time?  Quickly!  Phone a friend if you don’t have that answer.  Many times we get very comfortable in that zone where it’s a bit unnerving to leave.  But but but.  But I love that restaurant.  But I love vacationing there for the gazzillionth.  But last time I ventured downtown the stores were all boarded up and scary.  Of course it may have been twenty years ago but but but.  A couple of much (much!) older men then us introduced  the term ‘bucket list’ and the Boomlennials have grasped on to it even though it’s about things we want to do #beforewedie.  Sure gets me excited ugh.  I have a much better list that starts with an ‘F’ about the things I’m not going to do again.  Mundane things.  Things I’ve done #todeath.  Time to move more things off the bucket list and oh never mind.  *ucket.

Be Careful of Thinking OUT LOUD

One year ago a friend and colleague of mine were sitting on a cooler in an asphalt parking lot thinking OUT LOUD.  The hot sun was probably melting our brains as we were finishing an almost three week marathon picnic schedule which is fun and work and not fun and not work and always layered with many emotions.  And basically we just ran out of sweat.  So V says OUT LOUD that some days she would just like to get in the car and drive to Montana.  And I laughed.  OUT LOUD.  And then said HMMMMMM.  We looked at each other and it was ON!  Of course once we found out that Montana was wayyyy far away and planes actually do fly there the idea was tweaked a bit and within three weeks we were white water rafting, horseback riding through Yellowstone Park, zip lining and riding ATV’s off of mountains.  BIG mountains.  Terrifying mountains. Didn’t say all our decisions were good ones but when you think OUT LOUD you’re kind of committed.  Once those ugly hiking boots were laced up there was no turning back and that was the best part. Montana is a beautiful, wild place and the majesty of those mountains made thinking OUT LOUD a grand idea.

Blogging because I won’t cheat at Candy Crush

After spending two weeks ‘setting up a blog’ that was supposed to take 20 minutes according to the video, I decided that good enough is good enough.  There were endless high powered decisions that needed to be made.  Themes and fonts and plugins and the COLLAPSE MENU which I shutter to think what it even is but knew enough to avoid despite how temptingly it called.  Boomlennials are tryers after all.  So I gave up on all the rah-rah and decided that content (current buzzword after all) was what is the fascination here.  My son asked if I’m writing as a form of therapy.  Maybe.  Possibly.  But more accurately I get stuck on certain levels of Candy Crush and refuse to buy my way out as a matter of principle so have to come up with another time waster.  You know we have to keep our minds engaged blah blah. So come back often (speaking of wasting time) and I will offer great insight on the inner workings of the Boomlennial and why we should still be celebrated and not just with the drug ads during the news and Sunday morning shows.  Which we of course are not watching because we are training for a marathon.  Maybe.  Possibly.

Baby Boomers edit themselves

As a generation, baby boomers were the ‘it’ crowd. We bloated schools, created neighborhoods of cookie cutter houses, and had marketers in our craw before we were even out of our Buster Browns and saddle shoes.  We didn’t need an identity because we had the power and influence whether we wanted it or not.  But scroll through many nondescript generations after us and we’ve finally lost out to the millennials.  The world has changed so dramatically in the last ten years because of new technologies that the Boomers might feel a bit(?) overwhelmed with it all.  But wait!  We want to keep up!  We need to keep up!  And we should have a new witty descriptive title to explain who we are today.  Tada!! That monicker is Boomlennials!  Yes you heard it here first.  (And thank you son-in-law.  Didn’t say we don’t often times ask for help!).  This blog is intended to explain to my three followers who we are now and why we’ve still got it!! You know who you are…..