Poopy Head

Before the woke mob comes after me, I’m calling myself out. I called someone a poopy head. Lots of someone’s I imagine. Just trying to hold my own as a girl on the mean streets. I may have only been five, but I knew it was important to stand my ground in my hood. It probably helped that I was always a head taller than anyone else, but no one messed with me. Kids today are soft. They have to be! Everything you do or say can come back to haunt you many years from now. Whatever we like to think life was like in the fifties, sixties, and seventies, it wasn’t. People are finding out that what was acceptable then is not now, and they are getting called out. I heard a funny story and it kind of sums it up. An island resort vacay spot was cooking chicken outside on big spits. Very delicious chicken I might add. Anyway, some parents complained that their children were horrified by seeing this. Yes, by seeing chicken cooked. Now they eat chicken, but did not know it had bones and were actually Chickens. (This is very hard to explain BTW). They were used to eating nuggets and boneless breasts, and somehow were being shielded from the truth or some weird thing. Can’t make this stuff up. Just goes to show that our culture is so obsessed with making the world seem much more user friendly then it really is. Toughen up already. I mean there’s more then one way to skin a cat. Or is there? Funny stuff. Guess I better not say that again. Tonight I’m going to make Himalayan possum soup. I know that sounds kind of gross, but I saw Himalayan on the road and didn’t want to just leave him there. Sorry about the bad pun but that’s just how eye roll poopy head.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

“This is not how I expected my day to go” wailed my four year old dearest when he came over and saw my Manfriend’s car in the drive. I had to assure him (them) that there is enough of me to go around. (There’s not.). This was a few years ago, but I use that phrase way too often when my day is not flowing like I want. Whaaaa. I had an experience that just threw me off my game. I guess I should not have been so taken aback considering where I was. At the store. Health and beauty section. Looking for bandages. Big a$$ bandages. A woman was in the aisle with me and we were doing the COVID dance of not getting too close to each other but wanting our sh*t. I asked her if I was in her way and she said no because she doesn’t really know where her sh*t is. Here’s the tricky part. She was old. Not Boomlennial old, but old. Like in OLD. I asked her what she was looking for because I am that benevolent person. Really really benevolent. She said Witch Hazel which I knew exactly the location. (No jokes here.). I started to try to explain it but said I’d just show her. Really really benevolent. Found it on a low shelf so bent down and gently handed it to her. She was grateful. Really really grateful. And thanked me by going on about how us OLD people need to stick together and help each other out. Whoa whoa whoa!?!$&#. I’m looking around for someone else she must surely be talking to but just us and the damn witch hazel. I was shaken. Really. How bad did I look? I mean the bandage wasn’t That big. (It was.) Maybe I have a misguided image of who I am. Am I not the swinging, fancy Boomlennial taking my benevolence into the world? (I am). I suppose I do forget my Boomlennial status sometimes. Google generally sets me straight when I see an old actor on tv and give in to my inquiring mind. Dang. Are they really younger than me?? And here I thought the Witch Hazel was working. I actually do think I’m still a doll. Sometimes Barbie, sometimes voodoo. Any wonder I knew exactly where the Witch Hazel was? Whoa is me.

Buffed and Polished

Now that I’ve gotten the official go ahead from the big guy to live healthily for a lot more years, I’ve decided it’s time to start picking on others. (As if that ever really stopped. Just too much material.). I was reading an article this morning about Millenial Burnout. Yes, they are tired of working. It is affecting their mental health. The last few years have been very hard on them. Oh, I bet. They are always available because of email. Good point, good point. COVID was just a big bummer. Agree! Agree! They don’t want to live to work, but work to live. Terrific idea! I couldn’t agree more. But for some reason I missed the conclusion. Was it the Boomlennial in me that just wanted to laugh? How self-indulgent can you get? They are burnt out in their roaring thirties? Guess life on the chain gang is tough. Now, I’m not sure what the answer is for food and shelter and all those other oppressive things that the man says you need, but hey. If you find a way to cool yourself off so you don’t burn out by working, do share. And no, your parents don’t want you anymore. I mean they would want you, but that’s not a good answer, right? Right? Find that palm tree and invite me over. I’m getting a bit hot under the collar myself. But ponder this…….surely not everybody was Kung Fu fighting. #feelinglikemyselfagain #notsurethatsagoodthing #boomlennialwisdomisthebest