Living Like a Thousandaire

I am still reliving a Grande Celebration from over a week ago. (Add an ‘e’ and it’s even Grander). My dearest and new dearest had the best nuptials I’ve ever experienced. Not just day of, weekend of! Way to go!!! Months before, I was getting a bit skeptical. Sometimes when you work so hard to make a great event, it never quite lives up to the hype. (Remember The Weekend at the 2021 Super Bowl?? Me either). However, the dearests got it all right and then some. They promised a weekend of love, family, friends, and celebration. Check check check check. We all got manis and pedis together. Even my Manfriend, who was new to that world, got into it and rejoiced in his shiny toes. (Okay, he didn’t actually rejoice but just testing if he’s still reading my blogue). Nothing bonds people like everyone seeing their grizzly feet. We hung out at the same hotel, and lamented together when our rooms weren’t ready. I still feel bad about crashing my dearests room and using his towels to clean up before the rehearsal and dinner. I mean it’s okay if he smells, right?? I could go on and on about all the fun and frolic, but do you really want to hear about my first time wearing false eyelashes?? I mean, who doesn’t, but a story for another day. Between family tragedy’s, Covid, and life trying to chew us up, for one wonderful weekend it was all behind us and we enjoyed this bubble. Even the weather gave the happy couple a wink and said well done my friends. Well done.