I Finally Have a Beach Body

Not eating chocolate for a few weeks has really paid off. Or my mind is playing those tricks on me again. I’ve rationalized all (some) of my destructive behaviors, and coming out a winner winner chocolate dinner. Chicken. I mean chicken dinner. I’m heading to the beach, and ready to roll with the tide. As if this floating machine has a choice. The beach is the only place where salt lowers my blood pressure. It’s good for you!! So good. So good. I never met a sunset I didn’t like, and I’m going to keep watching until I’m proved wrong. I’ve always believed the sun is a wonderfully powerful elixir, and until some horrible growth proves me wrong, I will continue to partake. Every stage of my life has benefited from big yellow. Acne runs and hides. My hair lightens and brightens, and actually thickens in the ocean. I think it absorbs salt from the water. I make the rules here. And I just heard Sunny D is now a vodka drink! Those marketers sure know how to grow-up. Talk about a health benefit! Added bonus there my Boomlennial brethren. The sand also does it’s due diligence by giving me a nice, little pedicure as it smooths out the rough edges. And keeps me walking comfortably barefoot. Ahhhh. There goes the positive vibes in my mind. If you read Winnie the Pooh, and you should, the advice he gives is pretty basic. Simple. Practical. Sensical. Like the beach. Mental health for dummies. Shell yeah!