Me: Sometimes I talk to myself

Me: OMG same!

Not that I talk OUT LOUD, but I do have ongoing dialogue going on in my brain non-stop. Especially at 3am. I really shouldn’t worry about this too much, being that I am the most fascinating person I know. Lately, however, my wee dearest has been calling me out about odd stuff. Things that I never really thought about. Or realized there was anything wrong with #oldperson. One day she opened my pantry and was just astounded by how much food there was. Now I don’t eat at home much, but I guess it doesn’t stop me from shopping for ’just in case’. Just in case there is a blizzard and the streets aren’t cleared for a month. How would I ever make it that long mile to the store?? Just in case I get so sick I’m housebound and no one remembers me?? (I better start being nicer.) Just in case there is a pandemic and you are not supposed to leave the house. Okay that really happened but who wants to eat cans of soup during the stress of all that?? There really isn’t all that much, but when you add in the flour for baked goods you don’t make, side dishes for no main course, and every tea, jelly, and salsa from gift baskets that you will be eating during the blizzard, it does seem like a lot. Duly noted. The youngun thinks it’s weird, and that’s where I take my advice these days. Bisquick for dinner. With a side of ground mustard. But there’s more. I went to a Halloween ’do’ with that youngun and she was all about my costume, or lack thereof. For years I’ve worn the same skeleton earrings for every Halloween. I’m talking her lifetime, and much of mine when I felt the need to be festive. I’m not much for dressing up as an adult, but this year I bought an orange sweater with black bats and spiders. Really outdid myself for the ’do’. With the skeleton earrings, of course. At the end of the evening, my wee dearest told me that she appreciated my effort to wear something besides the earrings. She said I’ve been wearing them her whole life, and at least I did Something different. The backhanded compliment! She was picking her words carefully so as not to offend, and I thanked her for noticing my new sweater, but she was just about to shake her head. She knew I missed the point. It’s Halloween!! Make a splash! Yep. Got it. OUTLOUD. Next year I might have to abandon my old ideas about the holiday and really do it up like a fool. I can be taught. Okay, been saving this one. What do you call a wolf that has been to therapy?? Aware wolf. #sayitOUTLOUD #seehowfunIam