Give My Regards to Broadway

Please don’t. Broadway doesn’t care. It was a song written in 1904, a very long time ago. Which somehow compels me to wench about the word ‘regards’. Who even says that? Unfortunately, one of my many many Manfriends (so many) feels the need to keep sending mine around. And I don’t like it. First off, the word is archaic, and I am nothing short of hip, groovy, and cool. Secondly, I have words enough of my own and am most willing to obnoxiously send them out when appropriate. I might or might not want to let someone know I’m thinking about them. I might be thinking they get on my last nerve and probably not a good thing to share. Sometimes people in a relationship presume to think alike. I had an acquaintance (notice I said ‘had’ and didn’t say friend Beahch that I am), who wasn’t capable of having a solo thought. A group of ladies were discussing peas since we were all very deep thinkers and tackled the tough subjects. I hate them. Easy, declarative sentence. Acquaintance said ‘Bob doesn’t like peas’. Who the h*ll cares what Bob likes?? He wasn’t there and not a part of the conversation, ahole. Get your own voice already. I was a nicer person back then so just told her she was a moron and changed the subject to brussel sprouts. Also gross. The group text is in that same category as leave me out of it. Although sometimes necessary, it usually isn’t. The originator gets lost in the shuffle, and soon no one even knows who they are really talking to. Just don’t send anything out on my behalf. I’ll jump in when it’s time, like never. Plus there’s always that lingering fear later when you want to text one person but accidentally include the group ugh. You know how it goes. Group party invite. Snarky email after the party talking about the party and it goes to all. Yea group texts are not my forte. I know this is all picayune stuff but I’m waiting for someone to come pump out my septic tanks and that’s enough deep sh*t for one day.