Beep, Beep, Beep….

The other morning I was awakened by that horrible sound much earlier then I was prepared for.  And I’m not talking an alarm clock.  If you’ve ever had a lot of construction or yard work at your home you know what I’m talking about.  The dreaded big truck backing up beepbeepbeep?!$?!  It is not a pretty sound.  And it made me cranky.  For awhile.  Then, as is my forte, I tried to put it in perspective.  Sometimes people say they’ve had a bad day.  But, is it really a bad DAY, or a bad five minutes that you’ve  milked for the rest of the day?  Down from the ledge I talked myself.  Be grateful that someone is cutting your lawn.  Why that 7:30 start time is necessary, hmmmm?  I could take a nap later if I’m tired.  Do I ever really take a nap later, no, but I’ll  just throw it out there for myself.  The Boomlennial could have things to complain about if they so choose, and many do.  Yes you might have some physical this and thats, but you also might have some disposable income to get people to cut your grass, plow your snow, or clean your house.  Or you let the snow and dust pile up and hope your neighbors are forgiving or helpful with the yard.  If you want to be really grateful for being so ‘mature’ compare yourself to a teen.  You can no longer get pregnant because your eggs are powdered.  I guess the male species could still manage that task if they have a younger partner who provides a channel that isn’t an echo chamber.  You don’t get carded and don’t have to drink 3.2 beer, which there probably still is but they put an Ultra label on it to pretend it’s tasty.  You can stay out all night, or ten o’clock, whichever comes first.  You have no curfew which the dog understands, an annoyingly forgiving beast.  Be appreciative of the wisdom you have now.  If you had it before,  those teen years would have been a lot less fun.  Or if those teen years weren’t that great, get off you a$$!  Fail better now.  I am wanting to take a riverboat cruise where there are no sickening waves, unless there are some rapids which would be a sight to behold.  The website said awaken your pioneer spirit and I’m there!  Awake!  Awake!  It’s just beneath the surface wanting to float out.  I can churn butter.  Shear riverboat sheep.  Perhaps eat good food and drink great wine, a task I am most proficient at.  And remember wherever you’re at……there is no complaining on the yacht.