Trivial Pursuits

As I gear up for a huuuuuge anniversary, I thought it was time to revisit all the blogue posts from the past year and see if they reflected the Boomlennial experience. We’ve repurposed our lives in many unique ways, and I hoped to be a voyeur of our collective journey.  Since I am unencumbered by critical thought, this is the Readers Digest review.  One thing I learned…..I write in really LARGE FONT.  And when I read on a device with normal/small font what I thought was two pages is one way too long paragraph.  Which is okay since every word is brilliant.  Brilliant.  A word used way too often but what’s a brilliant author to do?  It left me sounding more like Dr. Suess than Enest Hemingway, and not quite the tone I was after.  I am currently reading another book about one of Ernest’s four wives and they all had some really cool experiences.  I want to be The Paris Wife not the Love and Ruin one.  Historical fiction but if you are looking for a beach read these are pretty good.  Ernest was quite the scoundrel but bet those women could have written one hell of a blogue.  I digress.  Which I do.  A lot.  The weather affects what I talk about and my mood but I think a lot of us deal with that.   Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy.  Rainy days and Monday always get me down.  Green eggs and ham makes me sick.  When I’m cranky, I like to talk out my grrrrr in ways that don’t call people out but generalize the situation.  There are many things that frustrate us, some rational, some not so much.  I’ve been trying not to hold grudges because I can go wayyyyyy back.  And do.  More and more I realize, however, that you just become irrelevant.  And that is a better shelf to put you on.  Don’t drink the poison.  My book deal is not quite finalized, so I’m in search of new meat.  Leaving that joke alone.  My followers usually give me some really good material, but the lame stuff somehow finds a voice too.  Such is life.  “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”  #idowanttobedrsuess #hashtagsaresoeasyitscheating