But it’s a dry -1

The weather and discussion of it has gotten a bad wrap.  There are those (not the enlightened, sophisticated Boomlennial I’m sure) who use it for conversation when they got nothin or needing to change the subject.  How bout those Browns??  My go to.  When the Big Chill in the air chit chat comes up I start sweating with anticipation of more to come.  What about the Polar Vortex (also my late fishes name, may he rest in toilet bowl pieces) which was an attention grabber a few years ago.  And still excites me as I scan the frozen tundra maps hoping it makes a reappearance.  But generally people don’t really want to get into it.  I know.  How crazy is that??  Certainly not polite conversation in passing.  Let’s dig in.  What does it mean?  What are the repercussions?  When one of my wee dearests is visiting I’m pretty relaxed in my pretend parenting.  Are those scissors sharp enough for you or would a knife be better?  The dog doesn’t really need a tail.  He’s not a boat after all.  But shall we play in lotsandlots of water until you and the floor are soaked?  (Good thing my X follower isn’t reading anymore or I could be busted.).  BUT….when my wee dearest plays with my weather station that’s when I may or may not lose it.  (Just in case X is sneaking a peek.)  I need to know the temp in Akron, not Atlanta!?$!  And what is the wind speed I wonder in a panic.  The screen changes color with every ten degree threshold so when it’s blazing green I know something’s amiss when we’ve been tettering on a pale to vibrant purple the last few weeks.  Thankfully I can get it readjusted but there is some extremely important information gone in that thirty seconds. Whew.  So next time someone says it’s fricken cold out maybe it’s just a cry for help and they want to have more intimate discussion about it.  Or I need to get inside and realize the time for outsideish bloguing is over.  Must get inside and check what color temp makes your hands numb.  All fascinating stuff.