March Madness

Except it’s not. It’s February. And Valentines Day, sigh. So why are the Ides at my back? Of course, I had to google Ides to find out what I’m even talking about, and I don’t think it’s Julius Caesar getting assassinated. But since I like how it sounds, I’ll continue. The whole winter has had this Marchish feel to it. And if you’ve been keeping up with my fascinating blogue, you know I hate the color of March. Hence, the madness. I’ve been studying my house in bad lighting because of this March color, and I don’t like what I see. Somehow, it’s becoming an old persons house. This high-steppin Boomlennial does not like that!*&$! About fifteen years ago, I did a complete remodel. After living in the same house for twenty years, it was time. They say three moves is the same as a fire, but neither of those options over the years was my MO. So I ‘moved’ out, packed up or threw out. Emptied the house completely. Redid some bathrooms and kitchen, and lots-oh-cosmetics. Came back to a bright, fresh start. I loved it! Felt like a new house, but also the house I loved. Now. Now. Fifteen years later it’s getting tarnished again, and looking dated. And messy. Moss is growing back. (Not really, but metaphorically speaking. I’m not a bum.). Marie Kondo, a professional organizer (Really?? That’s a thing?) wrote a book. In it, she has six rules. Basics. But number six said to look at objects and see if they spark joy. If they don’t, heave ho. Good advice. A lot of things in my house Did spark joy, but after years they barely get a howdy do. What to do, what to do. Rekindle my romance with them?? Start a fire? Talk about our good times together? I used to make fun of ‘old’ people houses, but just a tad concerned that I’m heading in that direction. (Heading, I said. Plenty of wiggle room there.). Really just need to get outside in the sunshine. Oh, I’m a hoot. March madness has gotten to me. I need a chocolate heart. #lovethestuffyourewith