Unless you are really stressed or busy. Then make sure you get two. Ain’t that the truth. Now that the weather has taken an aggressive turn, I am already feeling the relief I get from being outdoors start to fizzle. This week I bundled up for my walk and thought I was safe. Windy with peeks of sun which I was determined to take advantage of. But…..I looked ahead of me and thought I was lost in the desert with a dust storm ablowin in. What I wasn’t prepared for were sheets of graupel pummeling me in the face. Graupel, much like grappa, is the mishmash of hail, sleet, snow, and ice. I prefer the seeds, stems, skins and leftovers of wine making to that sh*t and I just wasn’t mentally prepared. Felt rather assaulted. I prefer walking naked, which I found out a little too late is about not using technology on your excursion. I shouldn’t be such a trier without getting all the facts. I heard naked walking was trending, and I was all about it. Oops. No music, no Fitbit, yea yea get it now. Earthing, or grounding is also a thing, but I tread lightly with that one. BARE feet. Do the research first. There is all kinds of science behind it, about exchanging electricity with the earth, but I was just thinking of childhood. Who didn’t love to go barefoot as a child? Stones, prickers, and bees be damned. So in the morning when I would take my beast out, I’d really try to commune with the wet grass and be one with the world. Exchange my ions or whatever needed a reboot. Really try to find quiet peace with the universe. Until…..I realized the number of dogs I’ve taken out on said grass over most of my lifetime, not to mention the abundance of wildlife I share my yard with, and ewwwww. My communion with nature was just a bit too personal, electrons be damned. Next time I need grounded, I’ll also take the childhood route and go straight to my room. With clean feet. And some grappa. Get naked with the window open, and ponder the meaning of that word.