If I haven’t lost you yet now might be a good time to bail. There are certain subjects that you just can’t dress up or find a funny take. But I will proceed with gusto(ish). I imagine most Boomlennials have had their crack at caregiving along the way with a host of friends and family that just aren’t as filled with pizzazz as you’d like them to be. And it’s hard work. Everybody is focused on the needy one of course, otherwise your job title would be extinct. Wouldn’t want that to happen, right? Some days are a complete waste of makeup. Lou Holtz, a legendary football coach, had a great quote. Although now that I said legendary I don’t really know what that means. Or what the legend is. Could Google of course but I’m thinking I really don’t care that much about him. Pick your battles. Anywayyyy, he said “Don’t tell your problems to people. Eighty percent don’t care, and the other twenty percent are glad you have them.” I might even reverse those percentages and it would still hold true. One of my dearests was asked for advice from a younger collegue. He was struggling with making conversation and small talk in a business setting and wanted some advice. Even though you won’t find this in any text book it rings true. Just ask them about themselves. That’s what they really want to talk about and given the slightest poke they’re off. True that. Then you can just sit back and have an imaginary cigarette. Puff. Who was an imaginary dragon who lived by the sea and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honilee. People care about themselves sniff. A topic I’ve toyed with before and can never really find much evidence to refute. So back to caregiving. It sucks. Which is a force of nature or we’d all fall off the earth. You have to think what another persons needs are above your own. It’s exhausting. And not fun. Manure Occureth