There is a new form of recreation out there that doesn’t involve disrobing. I realized I’ve been doing it all my life, but never knew it had a catchy name. I love to be outside. There. I said it. Ain’t nothin wrong with that. Of course, now that I watched a news story about it I must take it more seriously. No more just going out in the morning and sitting on top of the rickety, old metal swing set. (How I never got tetanus from that thing….). Now when I go out I have to ‘listen’ with my eyes. And smell with my ears or whatever. Take it seriously. So seriously. I am a walker. I’ve put in the miles over the years, and credit those gazillion steps with keeping my sanity (ish). I wasn’t bathing exactly, but my psyche got cleansed in an odd way. Now since everyone this year discovered the parks, I’ve rerouted to neighborhoods, and have enjoyed a different kind of scenery. And critique. No more peaceful walks. Full on judgement zone. You need shutters. Landscaping. A nicer dog. Not good. But pretty fun actually. Maybe not quite the bath I need, but clears the trash out of my head and makes room for new trash. (I have lofty goals.). I like being one with nature. I just wish I liked vegetables. Or gardening. Think that would up my game a bit. I need to be a little more Walden, but not the one from Two and a Half Men that ruined that show. (What a great show that was when Charlie Sheen was on it. Still watch it wayyy toooo much). Which is why I need outside. And bathing. As Thoreau wrote, “Only that day dawns to which we are awake”. Now I have no clue what that means, but I feel very earthy having used it. And refreshed. Did I mention I have lofty goals?
Category: Uncategorized
Unicorn Vision
That term is being used quite frequently at the place I toil. No, that’s not true. No one in my living room is saying that. The place where I get a paycheck? Nope. That would be the bank. Well, not really. I don’t even get a paycheck anymore. I do always (mostly) have cash, which is kind of a waste because I never use it. Everything is FREE FREE FREE! Okay. Back to the unicorn vision. At first, it threw me. Why are they talking about one of my wee dearests favorite toys. Make believe? Fantasy? And who wouldn’t want to take That thing for a walk! I guess all of that is the point. Now that the virtual world is reality, the unimaginable is becoming very maginable. At least for many. I’m still having a hard time coming up to speed on all of this. And as much as I want to embrace new ideas, they are just slowing my roll. I feel like I’m always a few feet (miles) behind understanding. I get the how-to quickly, it’s the wha-wha that throws me. As in What? How in the h*ll can that work?!$! But it does. So in this new world, the unicorn is having his day. And I hope he’s pink. The vision is getting legs, which is quite cool. Utopia might not be the goal, but I think I just talked myself into accepting this new reality. That’s a good start. As Winnie the Pooh would say “I am not lost, for I know where I am. But however, where I am may be lost”. Once you start quoting a bear that doesn’t wear pants, the unicorn can’t be far behind.
I’ve Got Quite the Drip
Or at least my Closet does. When I hear a new term, I must use it to show how cool and trendy I am. Just saying that, of course, makes me uncool and untrendy. But my Closet sighhhh. It is a masterpiece. When my youngest dearest went away to college, I decided to turn his bedroom into a huge a$$ space that I could fill and fill until I couldn’t fill no mores. And then fill somemores. It was a birthday gift which seemed like a great idea until my dearest called to give me wishes and asked what I got for my birthday. Ugh, your bedroom? I can still hear the silence screaming in my ears. Not like he would be sleeping on the floor. More like moving down the hall. Guess I should never have called it a ‘guest’ room. That closet eventually turned into a whole house remodel, but hold your breath for that one. Anyway, my Closet is full. If I’m a liar liar and my pants catch fire, Ive got backup. If a large feels a bit snug (damn virus) no worries. An XL is waiting in the wings. Now that sweater weather has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict with sweatshirts, I just go visit my beautiful twin sets and cashmere. And pull out my Burberry sweatshirt. Which no one that really wears Burberry would ever own. A lot of my peeps keep using the ugly word ‘downsizing’. What does that even mean? I’ve lost so much weight the big girl clothes don’t fit anymore? Upsizing! Keep it coming. Someday I will once again take my pretty things out for a night, and try to remember that they probably will need dry cleaned and not stuffed into the barrel of cotton. And spandex. (Damn bat). Did I just write a whole blogue about my closet? Which makes me wonder out loud, why are Disney movies so sad? #lockmeinthecloset
Terms and Conditions
I am not heading into 2021 without reading those. I’ve blindly checked that box many times fully unaware of what ‘terms and conditions’ even were. Not any more! Come New Year’s Eve, I am studying. No virtual partying for me. I need to know what I’m up against. This plague is wearing me down. I just want to be a goat. All they do is bounce around and eat whatever. Years ago I had one of my dearests in a stroller at a petting zoo. This goat was ravishing my diaper bag to get to the diapers. Clean diapers I might add. He (yes, had to be a male) was pulling them out and munching away. I could almost understand a dirty one (I’ve been in the house too long), but a clean, paper one just didn’t look tasty. But then I’ve never actually tried one so who am I to say. Did I say I’ve been home far too long? A nice ocean can cure a lot of woes. Now I just have cranky pants woes is me and it’s not very becoming. Speaking of which, isn’t it about time for a virtual dress code? During quarantine, the meetings with the scraggly hair and roots was kind of indearing in a we-are-all-in-this-together kind of way. Now the women have mostly cleaned up, except for the covid nineteen poundage, but the men have embraced their unkept, gray beards. Even the young ones. With dark hair. Putting a baseball cap on your head during a meeting, an inside meeting, just makes me lose my concentration, sometimes never to be found again. A nice collared shirt would help too. Yep, this Boomlennial is having a hard time transitioning to this new reality. I can’t go to the office without ‘work’ clothes. Even though I only see a handful of people, and have the same virtual meetings. Sounding like A Karen so will quit while I’m behind. I’ve been doling out my stress level, and that really shouldn’t be on the agenda. Some days I just stop myself from thinking, feeling, or dwelling on certain issues or people. Great minds think unalike, and I have to forceably calm mine. You might get a piece of me tomorrow, but today I am full. Boy, I miss football games. I want to jump up and shout. And sit down and drink. Sigh. Q: What did the Zen Master say to the hotdog vendor??? A: Make me one with everything. Oh, now that’s funny. #makeamericahappyagain
Eating Local
As this summer of ill repute is cranking down, I’ve had too much time to reflect on the oddness of it. You probably just heard that huge thunder clap, and as soon as I crawl out from under the couch I will continue. Weather- wise, it’s actually been hot and sunny which is my jam. The gardens have been resplendent (what a great show-off word), and there’s been plenty of local ‘farm to table’ kind of eating. Which sounds quite trendy and healthy and hip. Problem is, my hips rather enjoyed the feast. I quite liked one local farmer when I thought his stand was named after him. When I found out it was named after his dead cat, it somewhat lost its allure. No one in a barn has just ONE dead cat. Just where are you putting Those left-overs? And did I mention he grew the biggest, sweetest melons I’ve ever seen???? So now that certain parts of my body are starting to look like overgrown cantaloupe, I need to start eating even locallier. (Yes, that’s a word). I’m talking in-house. A little from this thigh, a smidge from that a$$. Reallllly local. And kind of gross. Might be easier this fall to pull it together with not much football, Halloween candy, or all those things I used as excuses. And enjoyed. Girls just want to have fun and all that. No shenanigans around here anymore sigh. I have some work to do. Although there will be plenty of snaccidents, at least I won’t be tempted by the mega-produce stand. Which does sound pretty dumb even as I say it I know. But there is something in that cat fertilizer. Just sayin……
I am a Karen. I mean, no, I am not a Karen. Well, I am a Karen, from the NancyDeniseSusieKathyDebbieDarleneBarbarahohum era. But, I am not A Karen, and I just don’t get it. Let me make this perfectly clear, (which is what every politician keeps saying as they make a terribly unclear statement), I don’t do those things. Whatever those ‘things’ are. It took me awhile to even figure out why everyone was using my name. Flattered, of course, but confused. Just thought my millions of followers were finally catching on. But as I heard it used more and more, I had to go right to the source. (Please don’t go. So not true.). What really took me aback (rightly so, not Karenly so), was they said ‘in the United States and other English speaking countries’. Hmmmm. I’m a world-wide phenomenon??? Now I am intrigued. And do kind of feel entitled. Maybe I don’t get all huffy and want to speak to the manager, but if the manager is good, he should want to speak to me. And you. The Boomlennial has put up with a lot of sh*t over the years. We’ve all had poor service, been ridiculed, discriminated against, laughed at by friend(?) and foe, and generally smiled and had a stiff upper lip as we were taught. Don’t rock the boat. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Don’t call in sick. Ever. Just weird things. So now I really have Karenoia. Most of the insinuations are pretty bad, but I’ll just overlook those in true Karen fashion. And pick and choose what I want to be a positive. If I finally have a ‘world-wide’ label, I might as well put lipstick on it. And feathers. And wonder why there are two birds in the bush but I should be happy with one. And remember I don’t even like birds, even hummingbirds. They look like big bugs. So now there are three birds in the bush. Geesh. Just too confusing. Need a name change. #youroyalhighness
What Comes After Quarantines??
Why Quarantwenties of course! And it’s roaring once again. Regaining my sense of humor, and trying to find funny in the absurd. And absurd has reached new levels of nuttiness. I did see the most adorable picture on FB today. The ‘Boys’, no names please, moved away, and yes I miss them. (Just checking if you’re still one of my followers #youbetterbe). Their son started his new school year, and they had the prerequisite ‘first day of’ picture with the cutie holding his third grade sign in his nice button down shirt. And then the follow up pictures when I realized he’s still sitting in his house getting ‘virtually’ schooled. It made me smile as I realized this is the new abnormal. There ain’t nothing ‘normal’ about any of this. So I try to find humor where I can, and make sh*t up when I can’t. There have been many analogies trying to explain the plague and how it spreads. I’m sure you’ve heard the pee one, and its gross and not funny. New one. There are four kids sitting at a table doing a craft project. One child is using glitter. How many children have glitter on their project?? See, explains it all. And makes me want to play with glue and glitter. Or just put Elmers on the back of my hand and peel it off when it dries. I know you get this so don’t act like I’m crazy. Funny stuff here. Just like a slinky, not really good for much, but brings a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs. I’m making a choice to find humor in the humorless, and that’s not really my style. I can usually find a silver lining in a rainbow, but it’s ripped and ugly and maybe I’ll get struck by lightening or the power will go off or or or or. But now I am just chill and it has nothing to do with the mug-oh-wine I had for lunch. Just kidding, but a girl can dream. Sigh. Anyway, does anyone know what a emoticon is? I was playing a game where that was the word that my partner had to guess. So not fair. Already done. As is an ‘out of the office’ auto-reply. I am Never out of the office. The dang office follows me around all day like my oh-so-needy dog. I need my space!! And new back to school clothes!! And a massage!! And I hate massages!! And a cruise!! And I’ve never been on a cruise!! Oh dear. I digress. Better go sew that silver lining. Tonight’s forecast: 99%chance of wine
Slob Kabob
As many of my millions of followers must have noticed, I am drowning in the drought. In a time when the world seems to be in total chaos and disbelief, I’ve become a doodlebug. Whatever that is. I don’t have a new thought in my head. I try. I am over informed on most things, and dare I say I’m bored with it all? Shhhhh. How do you have a ‘take’ (a hilarious take mind you) on a virus? Or racial tension? Or a leader that I really really really want to respect but just won’t throw me a bone. I need a drought intervention. Hit me right in that tan nose and give me something to think about. More importantly, something to write about. My brain has become a slob kabob. Incapable of getting it up so to speak. So to speak. I’ve been out and about some, but the world has gone silent. No one quite knows how to behave, or what is expected of them. I’ve been accused of being rude to people (so not true haters), but it is time to get those roots done. Now when I see a brunette, I just think she must be poor. That is the farthest my mind has delved. Pathetic I know. I’m trying here though. I beg for suggestions but the fog is settling on everyone, I fear, and we are lost. On a different bent, I long weekended on an island that had all the ammenities. Biting flies, mice (in the house of course), goose poop (on the screened in porch…..explain that one), no lounge chairs or rafts at the pool, and very hot weather. Which was very nice. If the AC worked. I’m not complaining. I am. See, just wishywashy. And not a ‘take’ to be had. Maybe I should just go with the no-flow and be satisfied with this pause. And hope that the refresh button will crank up when necessary. Please be necessary.
Where Have All The Activists Gone…
Long time passing. Where have all the activists* gone, long time ago. I have that song going through my head lately, although you do know to insert *flowers, right? My millions of followers span generations so always need to remember not everyone is a brilliant Boomlennial. Of course, that led me to Google to read all the lyrics and see what it really was about in the 60’s. It was on a list of the top 20 political songs. Hmmmm. Not buying that one, and there aren’t very many words to it, so I’m guessing there are only twenty political songs out there. I loved the music of the sixties, and glad that I was young enough to not quite understand them. I just loved the men and women singing with long, swinging hair, and beautiful flowered clothes. I ‘got’ the peace aspect of them, but now looking back at that time Wow. There was a lot going on. After watching many of the demonstrations of late, I see that maybe we didn’t really come that far. So where have all the activists gone? To the burbs? To the country club? Did they just get bored and got into something else? Legalizing weed? Inquiring minds always want to know. I wish the internet was around then. And various news stations spinning their own narrative. Guess I’ll just keep spinning those old songs, and not investigate what they really were about. No need to rewrite my own history. Much like the statues that are being torn down, what was, was. Good, bad, or ugly, it was a moment in time. A horrible moment, perhaps, but sadly what was, was. And maybe we need a grim reminder in our face that we haven’t really come a long way, baby. Now I need to go climb a mountain. I’m always very curious about the people in these certain areas who live, healthily, into their hundreds. They do share some common traits (I’m sure good genes is one of them!), and they drink wine, so what’s not to love? A man in one of these villages said, “If I go one day without climbing the mountain, I feel uneasy. If I go two days, my heart is troubled. If I go three days, my muscles and bones ache.” Of course he was talking about his mediation, or whatever gets him through the night, but something to think about. Lacing up my hiking boots. All the world over, so easy to see, people everywhere just wanna be free. Listen, please listen, that’s the way it should be. There’s peace in the valley, people got to be free.
Dear Hate:
I have held back on writing this, because enough is enough already. One of my millions of followers said my posts are getting so serious and rather depressing. Moi?? Say not! I am the fun Boomlennial! The one everyone wants at their party. Sure sure. Anyway, Dear Hate……It is dieting season again. There I said it. A topic I have covered in many of my posts, and most of my life. But, alas, there is always more material. And oh-so-funny sniff. I did okay during quarantine. I thought going out for dinner every night made it impossible to lose weight. Well, that myth was busted. Staying home and eating the chicken coop night after night didn’t help either. It could be the martinis and wine but that would require another quarantine to have a control group. And somehow spaghetti just seemed the same right thing to do. I don’t know why, but it was comforting. And delicious. And of course had to be accompanied by red wine. Now, however, I am back going out to my old haunts and find THAT quite comforting. Many have put up these plexiglass walls between bar seats and booths, so you’re in your own little cocoon. After weeks of wearing masks to your seat in a restaurants, that practice has just about stopped. The staff still does but they are getting droopier and droopier as to be worthless. We are all getting cocky in OH-IO as we have flattened our curve. I’m worried that the masses of asses that are going to the beach or taking vacations will bring those critters home. Please just be ticks. And how did I get on this subject when I wanted to talk about eating too much fruit? As one of my dearests said, “you didn’t get fat from eating too much fruit”. Can always count on those you love to set you straight. Dammit. So there you kind of have a new topic. Kind of. Dear Diet: I hate you.