Baby Boomers edit themselves

As a generation, baby boomers were the ‘it’ crowd. We bloated schools, created neighborhoods of cookie cutter houses, and had marketers in our craw before we were even out of our Buster Browns and saddle shoes.  We didn’t need an identity because we had the power and influence whether we wanted it or not.  But scroll through many nondescript generations after us and we’ve finally lost out to the millennials.  The world has changed so dramatically in the last ten years because of new technologies that the Boomers might feel a bit(?) overwhelmed with it all.  But wait!  We want to keep up!  We need to keep up!  And we should have a new witty descriptive title to explain who we are today.  Tada!! That monicker is Boomlennials!  Yes you heard it here first.  (And thank you son-in-law.  Didn’t say we don’t often times ask for help!).  This blog is intended to explain to my three followers who we are now and why we’ve still got it!! You know who you are…..