Your Site is Live to the World!

That’s what I saw when I logged on to blogue today. Just wow. I know I’m endlessly fascinating. I know nothing makes me laugh harder than my own words. But….does Emir in Istanbul enjoy it as much as my millions of American followers?? Probably. Who wouldn’t? I guess I just never thought so globally. My bad. I’ll try to include you from now on. Now where was I??? Vacation. Yes, that’s where my thoughts originally started before I was reminded of my world outreach. (Hey. If I don’t pat myself on the back, okay upper shoulder, who will?). Boomlennials need to do more self flagellation because no one is going to take on that job. As some of us start to age out of life (no one that is reading this blogue!!!!) it has become apparent to me that sometimes older people (not us) are seen as less important than younger people. I think it starts with your offspring, because they can get away with it. (I still try to be nice to them), but it moves on to many professionals that you deal with from doctors, to bankers, to grocery store clerks monitoring the self checkout. Very, very professional. I just often feel a dismissive attitude from them. I could be the Queen (I am) but I feel a disrespect or a patronizing attitude. Ok, back to vacation. Kind of. A younger, drunker woman sat next to me at a bar on the beach. I wasn’t striking up conversation with her, but she interrupted my chat with my companion to tell me how cute my outfit was. From top to flip flops. It was, but that wasn’t her intent. She was patting herself on the lower shoulder because she had done a good deed for the day, making the Boomlennial feel like she looked presentable. Actually, I might have even done it myself sometimes when I think someone could use a little boost. I am quite the worldwide humanitarian, you know. Probably that’s why I recognized the back handed compliment. Vacation. What happened to me talking about it?? It was great! It was hot! It was a nice getaway from normal life. You can come as you are, but you will not leave as you are. There.