WhoaWhoaWhoa. You know I’m not going there, as in THERE. I’m into Summerizing right now. Verb. The big Memorial Day weekend has come and gone, and everyone must have their new mattress already. What is it about holidays that mattresses are always on sale?? Could it be that we don’t have nonstop plans? The media has us all barbecuing and grilling and kicking off the summer grander than grand. But…..maybe we all just want a good nights sleep shhhh. This year, the sun actually was shining and it was hot. As in it’s time to complain hot and run back inside for AC. I’ve been conditioned to watch the Indy 500 in a soaking rain just waiting for the next meal. Not this year, baby! Heat, white pants, straw purse and Bare Arms. What?!!? Already? I feel like I just put those away. As the season moves along I really don’t care that much (I do), but that first outing is a bit rough. I give myself all the positivity messages blah blah I can still swim and lift younguns and swing from the rafters blah blah but ouch. Guess that ping pong wasn’t as great of a workout as I thought. After quitting my gym during Covid, those muscles took a bit of a nap. My Manfriend thinks it’s time to rejoin something or other, and I know he’s right, but it would cut into our puzzle time. Just kidding. (I’m not). Seems like I don’t have time, but most of life is basically a Wednesday, and I’m sure (not sure) I could fit it in. Damn Right to Bare Arms.