Now that I’ve gotten the official go ahead from the big guy to live healthily for a lot more years, I’ve decided it’s time to start picking on others. (As if that ever really stopped. Just too much material.). I was reading an article this morning about Millenial Burnout. Yes, they are tired of working. It is affecting their mental health. The last few years have been very hard on them. Oh, I bet. They are always available because of email. Good point, good point. COVID was just a big bummer. Agree! Agree! They don’t want to live to work, but work to live. Terrific idea! I couldn’t agree more. But for some reason I missed the conclusion. Was it the Boomlennial in me that just wanted to laugh? How self-indulgent can you get? They are burnt out in their roaring thirties? Guess life on the chain gang is tough. Now, I’m not sure what the answer is for food and shelter and all those other oppressive things that the man says you need, but hey. If you find a way to cool yourself off so you don’t burn out by working, do share. And no, your parents don’t want you anymore. I mean they would want you, but that’s not a good answer, right? Right? Find that palm tree and invite me over. I’m getting a bit hot under the collar myself. But ponder this…….surely not everybody was Kung Fu fighting. #feelinglikemyselfagain #notsurethatsagoodthing #boomlennialwisdomisthebest