Farm to Trouble

I think I need grounded. Self-isolation. Alas, I have forgotten how to act in public. As much as I try not to be A Karen, even though I am a Karen, it’s just not working for me. Maybe my origional moniker is my destiny and I should just own it and move on. But it’s bad. Really bad. I had a major Karen moment when I stormed out of the nail salon and had to be chased out to the parking lot. The. Nail. Salon. I gringe just thinking about it. I had an appointment which I hate to have to make. Like to free-wheel it when I’m not busy and can just pop-in on My Time. Karen Time. And they weren’t ready for me. Again. And I had another appointment so really couldn’t wait longer than the twenty minutes that I did. It had happened before and I nicely left and said I couldn’t wait. Peaceful Karen. This time I slammmed the door open and stormed out. UGH. The. Nail. Salon. The manger chased me outside saying they are ready for me and to come back. I did, and wasn’t as embarrassed as I should have been, being the Queen and all. The place was silent. No chitchat among customers. Aaaakwooord. Then I heard the Vietnamese talking together in their native language and the only word I could pick out was ‘Karen’. As in, jhyean yowodhwy dovjmley Karen juhijonwy gdinrtej. Busted. Full blown Karen moment and not quite proud of it. So now I think I just have to stay home in social isolation. Keep my former reputation safe. Pull a Ronald Reagan. I always thought how RR kept his legacy intact was kind of cool. When he started getting old and ill, his peeps just kind of squirreled him away to his ranch and out of the public eye. All our memories of him are of a strong leader, and riding a horse. Especially the horse. Guess politics wasn’t my thing back then. So he just vanished. Poof. And even though his last year’s were probably pretty gruesome, we will never know. No stomping out of The. Nail. Salon. Ugh ugh ugh. What will Karen do next?? Steal the neighbor kids ball because it rolls on her lawn? Start picking up her dogs poop? That ain’t never going to happen BTW. Start smoking weed for calmness and contentment? Not sure how to approach the beast but more puzzle might help. Can’t even hashtag anything clever because my IPad is mad about this, too, and won’t let me enter symbols. Doesn’t like the ugly, bitten stubs at the ends of my fingers. Hashtagcantgooutdancingwithoutscarletnails