In case you lost track,

today is March 97th. Now that I’ve been f*ck at home for a couple weeks and sentnced to a month more, the reality is starting to sink in. I was pretty chipper at first coming back from the sunshine state, but the color of March in Ohio is not good. I’m putting together my March Sadness bracket in hopes that I can leave it there as I drag into April. This weekend me and Mack Daddy took a drive downtown. It has been under major construction for two years. As if it could possibly look worse, the sheer desolation made it seem like a war zone. Of course, not that many people had been coming down there anyway, but not a car in sight. We navigated through the orange barrels without risk of penalty. Renagades! The only people out were the homeless trudging towards the shelter carrying their plastic bags of belongings. It was a stormy day and I just hated to think where they spent it with everything closed. My field trip wasn’t the refresher I had hoped it would be. However, I have made some progress at home. If you are in a conference call, you can eat ice cream. As long as you take small bites and don’t slurp, it is quite quiet. (Feedback???). Tip for future reference….don’t bring the whole container. Never a healthy choice. Especially if you are lactose intolerant. Governor DeWINE does a press conference every afternoon, so it’s 2:00 somewhere. Hint hint. Got out my puzzle collection yesterday. Starting with the kids versions for warm-up, and when I get to the 1000 pieces it will somehow become a drinking game. As in look at the box and drink. I am declining to decline but it’s going to take some deep thought. Deep. Thought. Not my forte if you’ve been reading my blogues. One of my dearests had a great idea and ordered an electric piano. I dug out all his old piano books and found lots of my old music and thought it was time to start playing again. Good idea! However, when I used to be good I could actually see the music and my back wasn’t killing after a half-hour on the bench. And the piano was in tune and some of the keys didn’t stick. My wee dearests and long gone cats have had their way with that keyboard. But I did find a book with big notes and not too difficult (beginners sniff) so one fine day I will whip open my windows and give my neighbors a magnificent concert. This is the kind of crap I fill my mind with sigh. Mack Daddy’s beard is starting to grow without the barber so will become a new metric. When it hits his waist I think I will run. So not true. You know I don’t run. At least I don’t need to worry about producing a little Coronna Vee. In nine months there will be another baby boom but they have to get their own nomenclature. Disease drop generation? Boredom brew? I’m sure little Charmine and Purelica will have thoughts on that to share with their class. Via Zoom.

Shelter in Placing

Verb; the act of doing nothing

I’ve finally found something I am really good at. I should have seen it coming. I just lounge lizarded for two weeks in a place that never heard of anything corona that didn’t involve beer. They were a bit late to the game but are making a heroic effort to catch up. My vacay came at a time when some weird things started going on that I didn’t quite understand. Whew. I would think that a week later I would have cancelled and there would have been no gorgeous tan that no one has seen. Fortunately, since these are times that try peeps souls, that vitamin D boost gave me an added mental health bonanza. I’m one of the few people who, rightfully so, think the sun is good for them. So I came back to Ohio refreshed and nervous and self-quarantined but ready to nest. A lot of decisions have been made for me and I’m kind of digging it. Don’t go to work. If you say so. Stay home. Ok if I must. Read. Bingggg. Just doing my part. Let those roots grow in. Nooooooo. That’s not happening. Nice and Easy on the way. Probably won’t be nice and maybe not easy but my sacrificing stops there. I’m just not going to spread anything but my *ss and feet. Slippers do not have much support so looking forward to flip flop weather. Loads of support there. My sweatshirt collection is quite vast, and I’m on the every other day bra cycle. Let’s not get crazy here. Yesterday was nopening day of baseball season. When the schedule first came out, everyone was peeved that it was in March which is usually quite chilly on Lake Erie. Of course, it was quite lovely yesterday. Wasted energy complaining. My shopping online habit has come to a standstill. All dressed up and no where to go. Poop. My ‘better than Alexa’ and her hubby gave me and Mack Daddy a really great virtual rock concert last evening from their basement. Encore! Encore! Quarantini time was fun to share. Of course, we need to go out for the third time this week to get our two week supply of booze. Will deal with that problem later. Or not. The Metroparks have reserved 6-8 AM for seniors and those at risk to use the parks. That is SOOOO nice!! It’s pitch dark and thirty degrees!?$&!!! Then we can go shopping for the early bird specials. How about reserving from one to three in the afternoon??? Is that asking too much for a population that will be at the bottom of the list for a ventilator? I no longer have to worry about procuring toilet paper. Staples is delivering 80 rolls today. Yep, that’s what was available and I’m sure it’s going to feel just like that on my a$$. Ouch. I’d like to think I’m going to do a lot of house cleaning, but not having enough time hasn’t really been the issue. Finding it mind numbing has and will continue to be a deterrent. I still have my (low) standards. I do have a mission in mind, however, but this is top secret #beyondmindnumbing. I have 43,000 unread emails. Truth. They are all junk and I’ve tried to delete them, but while I’m deleting thirty, fifty more show up. I do have a lofty plan in mind. I spend a couple hours a day in teleconferences, or talking peeps off the ledge, so will just get that finger going until I can start fresh. Of course, when I’m let loose again the last thing I’ll probably want is to be on a device, so the cycle will continue and now my dirty laundry has been aired. Oh well. Moving on. To where?? I have built a tight bubble around me. As the Matriarch of my world, I feel it’s time to adult. One little prick and it could all whoosh away. I ain’t scared. Kind of. #don’tbeaprick #goaheadandpronouncetheLinsalmon

Who Knew????

That the world was coming to an end. I didn’t, and I know everything brilliant Boomlennial that I am. I haven’t blogued in awhile since nothing was rattling around in my brain fighting to get out. The news was boring. You can only punch at the President for so long before it’s tuned out. No big weather calamities. Family fairly stable. Mack Daddy and I have spent a lot of time in front of the fire reading fiction which is nice but not blogue worthy. I set a really high bar. Right. But now that Armageddon, or the Zombie Apocalypse (pick your craziness) is upon, what is one to think? I’m somewhat self-quarantined in Hotel California (see old blogue from a year ago#oneofmyfinest#arenttheyall), because I haven’t seen many people. And the sun is out, which kills all viruses. That’s my story and that of other brilliant people. Not really but if it’s in print it is not fake news. People are still going out and about here because we are on vacation and have already flown so on the march to oblivion. It is funny, though, how you approach life now. A sneeze or cough sends everyone running. To what or where has yet to be determined. A doorknob becomes a lethal weapon. Fortunately, I already was a bit of a germ snob and always carry sanitizer with me and not afraid to use it. On me or you. Beware. I am going to venture to the grocery store this morning because I’ve heard the shelves are bare. If there’s no diet tonic water that is a major problem. As I sit outside with the palm trees blowing this morning, it’s hard to believe this is truly the end of the world. Am I exaggerating? You heard it here first……