+ Talk about walking miles to school in three feet of snow. Barefoot. Uphill. Both ways. #evenifitistrue
+ Order a drink at Starbucks using small, medium, or large. #grandeismedium #thatswhatshesaid
+ Save the little piece of soap at the end of the bar and spend a week trying to get it to stick to the new bar. #babysteps
+ Wear a bra at home. #nonamespleasemypersonalsuri
+ Get rid of your waterbed. #amazonstillhassheets
+ Call someone on a phone just to talk. #exceptyourmother
+ Buy things in a store with a check. #istillloveyou
+ Watch old movies again and again. #unlessitstheperfectstorm #georgeclooney #markwahlberg #awesomestorm #honeyholefishing
+ Take your own bags to the grocery store. #buymorefood #nocatfood
+ Read in the dark. #hahahahahahaha
+ Wear a two piece bathing suit. #youthinkyoulookgoodyoudont
+ Go gray. #onlyyourhairdressershouldknowforsure
+ Tell a lie. #cantrememberalie #cantrememberthetruth
+ Post pictures of your dog on Facebook. #nobodycares # getalife
+Reheat coffee from breakfast all day. #butitsstilldelicious
+ Watch the Bachelor or Bachelorette. #worstshowsever #needashower
+ Talk about the good old days. #theywerent
+ Talk about the 60’s being the best decade for great music #itwas
+ Advise anyone to go through natural childbirth. #therearedrugsforthat #worstadviceever
+ Eat tootsie rolls. #implantsarentthefunkind
+ Keep writing long after anyone is still reading. #butimbrilliant
+ Give your children advice. #seehashtagabove
+ Never call # the number sign. #knowwhentostop #leavethemwantingmore #didisayimbrilliant