Not a good day. It has come to this. Just when I thought it wasn’t possible. I have lost a follower. I got the whole story why and should have taken notes which I suggested because I knew alllll those reasons would escape me days later which they have darn bloodies. Which is really okay because now I can make it all up and since they are my X they won’t see my diatribe and I can certainly run with a bit of truth. Which might have been the point hmmmmm. My X may or may not be one of my dearests. See, no names please. And I may or may not reference them when blahing on and on about nothing which is pretty much what this blogue does. Just a place holder until that book deal comes through and the Today show. Hope they do my hair and makeup. And have good lighting. And book me on the same day as George Clooney and Brett Favre. See?? About absolutely nothing. But my X feels like he/she may have been called out or blah blahed about which may or may not be true, but when you have Almost a million followers I’m not sure if that dotted line leads there. The Boomlennial has a whole-lots-oh-characters in the book of life and can dig one out of the archives to make a point when necessary. And let’s face it. None of us are getting more normal as the ants go marching one by one hurrah hooray. I will miss my X not being here, though, because they are being deprived of so much enriching blah blah and that makes me sad. I’m sure Matt Lauer will want to explore that further….