Being a boomlennial is a-lot-oh-work. The maintenance involved just gets a bit tedious sometimes but we’re too far in to back out now. I would imagine that we all have doctorS. Lotsnlots of doctorS. Every body part needs it’s own doctor and then of course all that fabulous information has to be sent to The doctor who has a massive file probably starting with ahole and ending up with zits. Which of course the Boomlennial doesn’t have because then your wrinkles would have zits and that just wouldn’t be fair. (Karma are you listening??). So now my mouth is numb and I’ve been drooling for the last four hours after introducing another doctor into the mix but I’m thinking he never asked me who The doctor was and I now have an incomplete file at The doctor and what if something goes drastically wrong and my cloud is just floating around without The Big Picture and and and and and and I better lay off the Motrin. Still pissed about not being a mermaid.