Lean into the suck

Now that I have your attention it is my twenty -three letters/numbers/Cheerios/symbols password I use to get into my ‘blogue’ as my manfriend autocorrected.  And I kind of like that word.  Makes me feel French. And skinny.  And that I should light a cigarette.  But back to the sucky password.  They won’t remember it. They won’t let me change it to one with only twenty-two letters.  You know the ones the Boomlennials like. The street where you grew up with your first dog Bover.  The really great ones!  The ones you remember and can use for everything without being judged.  This sight had a graph that actually critiqued my password. And they hurt my feelings.  Barely got off of Go so they knew it was going to be awhile and just gave me one and that is why it has taken so long for a new post.  Exhausting.  The Boomlennial experience is often times a-lot-of-work.  We mean well.  We want to be team players. But menus and hold queues  (yes I had to look up how to spell that) and judgmental passwords sometimes just seem like a little too much work for the payoff.  I want to share fascinating thoughts with you but just not ready to lean into the suck.  Which is a phrase I read in a self-help book that had nothing to do with passwords, but embracing and acknowledging when something is really bad and just letting it suck.  It’s not alright. I do not need to apologize for feelings or actions.  I do not have to get back on the horse and risk breaking a nail.   Passwords suck.  Don’t judge me.